
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Deum non esse

For our first unit in Stories, we studied stories and specifically creation myths. In this class, we had to study creation myths and make them into our own. We had a professional storyteller come in on an FE and tell us about the history of myths and why they are important to learn from. Although I was absent aour class went to the Field Museum and visited the Ancient Americas exhibit as well as the Ancient Egypt exhibit to get a better grasp on creation myths. For our action project, we were asked to create and write a creation myth. We had to describe our planets name, how it got it's name, and some features of our planet.

Deum non esse the planet of non existent god. The planet was created by a man living on earth who was a psychopath and only talked to his subconscious. The more and more he talked to his subconscious, the more his subconscious had a mind of its own. As time went by, the man could not stand the constant conversations in his mind, so he killed himself with only one remaining thing……..his subconscious. His subconscious flew out of earth searching for somewhere to live because it did not want to die. He quickly figured out his existence and knew he needed to start a fresh life by creating a new world. So he gathered stars to bring light, and stole clouds to bring in shade and rain to his fresh new world.

As Deum non esse started to be pieced together, Subconscious knew he would not be able to take care of everything, so he started building groups of people out of dirt, but something was not right with the creations he was making. These people did not have a sense of feel, think, or act. That’s when he sacrificed himself to give each and every human a sense of feel and wisdom. Before he gave his power to his people, he made sure there were to be no ruler nor god as it would bring destruction and power. Subconscious made his people kill him taking one piece of its flesh to eat, by doing this they will have wisdom to take care of the planet. The death of Subconscious was not celebrated knowing he was apart of his people now in a deeper level.

The people in Deum non esse were unlike like any other human beings. These groups of people grew up white head to toe, as thew grew up they learned how to express themselves through art allowing them to paint what they imagined their individuality should look like, to each there own. The people fro, Deum carried themselves through mind over body to feel spiritually connnected to Subconscious.

When the people of Deum non esse started populating, they had a hard time figuring out what they should call the planet. They got together in a sacred meeting on what they should call their planet. The people of Deum non esse knew they wanted to have the name symbolize the remembrance of subconscious. That's when Deum non esse came to be as it symbolizes one of them and not god. The life in the planet was to be seen as a temporary assignment with no strings attached to god's plan, rather live by the swey of trees.

In the book of Genesis specifically the last supper Jesus sits down with the apostles to receive wine and bread that embodies the blood and body of Christ. This compares to my planet when Subconscious fed his people his flesh to obtain wisdom. The book of Genesis and Deum non esse have a very distinct difference. Deum non esse believes in no god unlike the book of Genesis God is the one who created everything.

GA, Deum non esse, 2017 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Little Crawling Creatures

For the first action project in my STEAM course called population, we will be diving into animal taxonomy, specifically one of my choices. I decided to study and learn more about black ants. In doing this, I will be looking at their taxonomy chart and I will be making statements using set theory, a language used to describe groups in a mathematical way. I wanted to choose an ant because I wanted to learn something new about ants knowing they’re everywhere and we never stop and observe their habitat or daily obstacles. On this FE I unfortunately was not able to find any ants but I did venture out into the reptile section thinking they would be hanging out there. Unfortunately i was not able to find any at the zoo but I did search up some videos to get close up observation of my own.

The organism that I picked was Lasius niger or commonly known as the Black ants. Black ants are the most harmless common ants as they are all around you, just very tiny. Although the habitat of the black ants can be a wide range of places, they are usually found in garden species, dry areas, and wet areas. A black ant’s diet can consist of several things such as fruit, leftovers, seeds, and other small insects. Black ants are harmless to humans but when it comes to taking care of their territory they can bite but might not do much harm.

Taxonomy order of Black ants

Animaliamulticellular, heterotrophs 
Arthropodaexoskeleton, invertebrate 
Insectathree body part, compound eyes 
Hymenopteraherbivorous, wings
Formicidae6 legs, stinger
Lasius rainbow ant native to Australia, feed on sweet food
nigernest builders, colored appearance 

doc07104220170921114848_001 (1).jpg
GA, Ant Taxonomy, 2017

“North American Ants.” North American Ants, 5 Aug. 2017

Venn diagram comparison

I was pared up with 2 classmates to compare there organism characteristics which was a meerkat and a african lion. By doing this we all got together to give each other traits of our animal for the venn diagram.When you think about meerkats, Black Ants, and African lions you might not be able to make a comparison from the top of your head knowing they are all distinctively different. One thing they all had in common was the kingdom which was Animalia and they can all sexual reproduce. African lions and meerkat both have sharp teeth small ears and have fur, unlike the black ant. Overall I observed that the African lion and the meerkat had more similarities than black Ant which made sense knowing I was comparing different sets of class.

                                               GA, Venn diagram comparison, 2017

Set theory statements

These statements represent mathematical statements that describe the population of black ants.

M= meerkat, B= Black ant, A= African lion

  • M ∈ M : Meerkats is an element of Mammals
  • Flying ∉ (m U b) : flying is not a element of meerket and black ants. 
  • Animalia ∈ A : anamalia is a element of African lion
  • A ∩ M= {claws, sharp teeth, meat eaters}
  • reptile ∉ B : reptile is not a element of a black ant

In conclusion, this action project has allowed me to analyze an organism better by doing physical observations, comparisons to other kingdoms, and understanding the mathematical language using set theory. My taxonomy chart was the task that I was most impressed with. The black ant taxonomy chart was impressive because it was the hardest task for me because of all the really long definitions insects have. Learning set theory was like a fun game of speaking in secret code strangely. Throughout the unit, I felt confident which was new to me because math is not my strongest subject but I really pulled through this AP where I understood everything that was going on in class without feeling overwhelmed. Last but not least this AP was a fun way to learn about different organism in their natural habitat.

Works Cited:

“North American Ants.” – North American Ants, 5 Aug. 2017, Accessed 21 Sept. 2017.

“Small black ant videos, photos and facts.” Arkive, Accessed 21 Sept. 2017.