This is the first unit of my Junior Humanities class A Nation's Argument. In this class, we are learning about the fundamentals of an argument by analyzing The Declaration of Independence. We learned about premises and conclusions as well as inductive and deductive reasoning. These are all key tools in forming a solid argument. We also took part in Yale University's online lecture series. We participated in a lecture on American history from Professor Freeman where she argued her take on the Declaration of Independence. We then read a passage from A Peoples History of the United States where Howard Zinn argued his take on The Declaration of Independence. We compared and contrasted the views of Zinn and Freeman where they had discussed if the preamble or the grievances were the most important in Jefferson argument. We had a Field Experience where we went to the Daley Center in Chicago. We participated in their Black History Month tours where they let schools experience a hearing in a courtroom. For this action project, we declared our independence. I chose to exercise my right by declaring an independent study on people watching!
The Declaration of Independent Study: People Watching
Learning starts when students develop ideas not the absorption of comprehension as if deliverables were the physical health exams to “check-in”. Ideas take place in all means, at all time and everywhere. An Adapting education can take numerous structures, for example, formal, casual, and non-formal and happen anyplace whenever. whoever we are, wherever we live we are given chances to learn regularly of our life. People are learning all through life, as life is learning people all through. GCE Lab school withstands with the principles of establishing innovative learning spaces, the school was founded by the same rebellion instinct of a capitalistic structure of standardized learning. That being said this accentuates the nature of peripatetic style (see Vergunst 2017, this issue). The figure of the flâneur catches a sense of inertly strolling in the city, with no particular goal, enjoying the act of strolling while at the same time mentioning objective facts on urban life. As a meandering figure who was traditionally gendered and elite, he represents the look of advancement which is both “covetous and erotic”(Pollock 1988: 67). This routine with regards to transgressive urban walking(Martínez 2015) has been stretched out to incorporate the female flaneuse (Richards 2003), as well as the impaired flâneur (Serlin 2006), meaning its job as a persuasive figure, beyond its manly connotations. Flanerie, the demonstration of the flâneur, has motivated writing, film ponders, craftsmanship history and practice, urban investigations and human sciences. It urges individuals to draw in with questions identified with the critical engagement of a cutting edge city. That being said the ways of a wanderer explores your inner self as much as it does in your environment. The concept of flaneurism makes up the meaning of learning. That being said I hold these Truths to be self-evident, that quality learning is ubiquitous, that they are endowed by nature to revolt.
I will pursue my means to explore my independent study by discovering the following Guiding Questions:
How did Flaneurs contribute to society?
Who is drawn to the Flaneur concept?
Who is deterred to the Flanerie?
How did the Flaneur method influence the arts?
GCE Lab school urges understudies to utilize their voice to take responsibility for learning. By following similar rules I declare my entitlement to think about outside the dividers of a classroom and wander the avenues utilizing the Flaneur strategy. My recorded suggestions will legitimize my rights.
P1. Peripatetic practices perform well-rounded learning.
P2. GCE Lab school encourages innovative learning spaces.
P3. Flaneurs detach themselves from a capitalized structure just like GCE detachment from standardized learning.
P4. Flaneurism influences fields of anthropology, sociology, and human geography, as well as artistic practice and subjects more commonly found within the humanities.
In order to absorb as much from my experience I will require the accompanying sources:
- Permission slip allowing me to leave GCE to roam the city
- Student Ventra card
-Art Institute of Chicago exhibition, The Flaneur: Kunstmuseum Bonn
- “Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism” written by Walter Benjamin
-“Key Figure of Mobility: The Flaneur” written by Jamie Coates
-“The Flaneur, the Sandwichman and the Whore: The Politics of Loitering” written by Buck Morss
I, therefore represent as a student to solemnly publish and declare, That I have the right to make the city my classroom by utilizing the Flaneur strategy.
Works Cited
“Baudelaire, Benjamin and the Birth of the Flâneur.” Psychogeographic Review, 13 May 2014,
kul, Tapanshu. “Morss 'The Flaneur, The Sandwichman and The Whore: The Politics Of Loitering'.” - Share Research,
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Works Cited
“Baudelaire, Benjamin and the Birth of the Flâneur.” Psychogeographic Review, 13 May 2014,
kul, Tapanshu. “Morss 'The Flaneur, The Sandwichman and The Whore: The Politics Of Loitering'.” - Share Research,
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